Dark Rose Miniatures
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Metal Color is a new range of water-based metallic colors, especially designed for airbrushing.

Introduction: Metal Color is a new range of water-based metallic colors, especially designed for airbrushing. In the development of these new and innovative metallic colors,  the latest generation of aluminum pigments has been used in a specifically designed formula which results in a series of colors of exceptional resistance and adherence to plastics and metal. Metal Color can be applied directly on models without the need for the use of a primer, although in the case of fuselages and components for airplane models it is recommended to first apply a glossy Black Primer to bring forth the unique and special quality of the aluminum finish. The range of Metal Color consists of 19 references, available in 32ml. bottles with a flip top/eyedropper closure.

How to Use: Shake well before using. Pour the paint directly into the cup of the airbrush, either undiluted or previously diluted with Thinner  71.261. Colors can be mixed in the cup of the airbrush.
Metal Color dries almost instantly on the model and permits immediate application of aging processes such as the use of washes, pigments, and dry-brush techniques.  It is however recommended to wait an hour or so of curing time before manipulating the fresh  layer of paint.

Metal Color Gloss Black Primer 77.660: A water-based acrylic-polyurethane primer, which dries  quickly to the touch, and confers a  glossy, self leveling base coat of extraordinary resistance. The painting of the model can be continued almost immediately after applying the primer, although when using masking tape, it is recommended to allow the primer to cure for  some 12 hours before beginning the masking process.

Gloss Varnish Metal Color 77.657: The varnish has been formulated especially for airbrushing; it dries very fast and does not leave fingerprints (“no tack”). Gloss Varnish 77.657 can be applied directly or diluted with distilled water or Thinner 71.261. In some cases, a layer of varnish is enough but if more layers are required, an interval of 30 minutes is suggested between each coat. Once protected by the varnish, the colors resist the application of oils, glazes, and even pure turpentine and light washes with alcohol.
Airbrush Thinner 71.261: The Airbrush Thinner can give more flexibility to the color without causing a loss of adhesion, opacity and covering properties The product also helps to delay the drying of paint inside the airbrush mechanism, so that is advisable to add a few drops of Thinner while working. For dilution with Thinner, the recommended proportion is 1 part Thinner to 3 parts paint.
Distilled water changes the properties of Metal Color but is not incompatible.
Airbrush Flow Improver 71.362: This  medium has been designed to improve the flow and delay the drying of paint on the needle while airbrushing. It is recommended to ad 2 drops of Flow Improver to 10 drops of paint in the cup of the airbrush.

Airbrush Cleaner 71.099: Airbrush Cleaner is the solution for cleaning the airbrush between one color and another. The product quickly removes the remains of the old paint and also lubricates the airbrush without damaging its mechanism. While painting, the tip of the airbrush should be cleaned occasionally with a cloth moistened with cleaner to remove traces of dried color; this will prevent splattering or the clogging of the airbrush. Airbrush cleaner can also be used on the model as a stripper to remove paint or to correct errors in the application of the colors.

Airbrush and Compressor: The viscosity of Metal Color lets you work with airbrushes as small as 0.2 mm without having to dilute  the colors, but environmental conditions can alter the viscosity of the product and cause the need for further dilution. We recommend working with a compressor pressure between PSI 10-15, 0.75-1.10 Bar, (0.5-1 kgs).
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)